Sunday, July 1, 2018

Deuces Wild

Chess pieces represent the forces of nature 
Light and Dark
Good and Evil

Opposing forces 
which permit the manifestation of all things material 
Each piece represents a different position, power and possibility in the game of life. 
I have spent hours conversing with anyone who is privy to the game of chess
and the many ways in which it imitates the essence of livelihood. 
Believing the:

was the best strategic analogy
predicating the dynamics
of social interaction. 

The King:
This is the piece the whole game revolves around and represents our deeper self, the divine spark within us. And yet, it is the least powerful piece in terms of ability to move about the board. It can only take one step at a time, though it can travel squarely or triangularly.

The Queen:
This is the most powerful piece on the board having unlimited movement in any of the eight directions. She is the power of Nature, reflecting the light of the King, possessing unlimited potential.

The Bishop:
These pieces remain upon their own color throughout the game and can only move diagonally. One bishop travels the path of the head and the other enjoins the path of the heart.

The Knight:
The Knight represents the awakening of the spiritual initiate acting in the world. It moves by leaps of intuition along the sides of a right triangle. It alternates between white and black squares with each move, therefore, engaging the head and heart in each action. Only a knight or a pawn can initiate the first move of the game. The knight can make a move that even the Queen cannot make.

The Rook:
These are the only two pieces permitted to move strictly along straight lines in the four cardinal directions. They represent our physical power to act in concert with the world's material structures.

Pawns represent ordinary men and women attempting to move across the board of life toward eventual initiation into union with the divine. The pawn utilizes only the simplest interactions with other pieces and does not recognize the divine forces behind its life. It only moves one step at a time. Always forward, never backward. It can move either straight ahead when challenged, or diagonally, showing that it can utilize the head or heart in it's progress. If the pawn gets far enough to triumph over life's trials and adventures, to the eighth square of the opposing side, it achieves a higher state. At this point it can transform into any piece is desires. Usually the pawn is made a queen and thus becomes a co-creator. Though many a wise man has chosen to become a knight and won a definitive victory as a result
Whether in the midst of debate, blog entries, or retelling a quote of the day  
I've referenced the movie 'Revolver' by Guy Ritchie, to emphasize 
a specific point I was attempting to praise. 

"There is something about yourself that you don't know. 
Something that you will deny even exists, 
until it's too late to do anything about it. 

It's the only reason you get up in the morning. 
The only reason you suffer the shitty boss, the blood, the sweat
and the tears. 

This is because you want people to know how 
good, attractive, generous, funny, wild and clever you really are. 
Fear or revere me, but please, think I'm special. 

We share an addiction. 
We're approval junkies."

 by getting them consumed 
with their own consumption...

"The bigger the trick & the older the trick, 

the easier it is to pull, 
because --

1. They think it can't be that old
2. They think it can't be that big

... for so many people to have fallen for it."

During my relentless voyage to obtain respective from the true and living
I encountered an individual who wasn't knowledgeable 
nor divulged in the dynamics of the aforementioned.

I was courteously introduced 
to a pastime I never sought to comprehend.
The entity of 

For the 1st time in my years of study, 
my lack of understanding forced me
To re-decipher the phrase:

for the sake of growth
is the ideology of the cancer cell. 

When one is 'consumed with their own consumption' 
is to lose sight of the goal(s) and get stuck in the process 
which checkmates potential. 

Or as one of my favorite quotes indicate:

You cannot 
see the picture, 
when you're inside the frame. 

People tell others who they are 
and what cards they hold 
by their actions.
The game is a series of one decision after another, 
and to make these decisions in haste and without all the facts 
can be very devastating to one’s well-being.

The individuals in the game are probably the most crucial factor. Knowing the players, including yourself, is the most important thing you can do. Each player is different and unique. Each one has a different personality and, therefore, requires different treatment. 

Knowing the people can turn a loss into a win.

Each person has their own motive for being in the game. You must identify these motives and learn to recognize these motives. This will tell you who these people are and guide you in your decisions. The best source of information about these players is your own intuition and experience. 

Be aware 
a person’s motives can change 
as the game continues. 

Constant awareness on your part is necessary. 
For you to do this,
you must first clear yourself
of your own selfish motives. 

Your own selfish motives will distort your view of others, and you will find yourself making incorrect judgments of them. If you bring the seven deadly sins with you to the game or develop any of these motives during the game, your mind will close. You will be unable to focus on the game and the other people. You will be blind to the philosophy of the game and the motives of others.

Why is it important to know other people’s motives?”

This is to tell you what cards the other players are holding and help you make healthy choices about your own method of play. The real danger is the selfish motives. Be they in other people or us. If they are in us, they blind us. If they are in others, we can fall into their traps.

The players are not our enemies, only their motives.

I don’t understand why 
we should even stay in the game 
with people who have selfish motives...

Without the other people, there would be no game, we need each and every one of them. The more players, the more prosperity there is for everyone. 

We should treat each person as if they were the most important person in the world. First of all, to them they are. Second, because they are the ones that contribute to our own prosperity. We are dependent on them for our needs and wants. Without other people, we can go home empty-handed.

We must learn to love even the most disgusting person. This is not easy to do, and none of us can do it all the time. Nevertheless, this is a goal we must strive for. Neither can we always be free of selfish motives. This also is a process and requires work each day. We only need to improve from where we were yesterday.

Loving a person doesn’t mean we are to become their slaves or bend to their selfish motives. It means accepting them as human beings suffering from lack of knowledge. We are all sick to some degree, and it’s only the degrees that separate us.

We love them when we do not let them trap us with their selfish motives because we are showing them their way does not work. Many people will continue to play their game until it doesn’t work anymore and will not change until they are shown this. 

By showing them 
their game no longer works, 
we are actually helping them
 to find a better way.

After a singular conversation
I delved into the components
of a 52 deck:


 Unlike chess, in which
the pieces/moves are fixed.
With poker every hand dealt varies.

A game of chance where the luck of the draw coexists.
One has to work with what they're given
as the tables constantly turn. 

Another's inability 
to manage what is within the palm of their hand
can be to your detriment or ascendance. 

Wearing a poker face  
to sway the odds towards favor - one can make an opponent believe 
whatever their mind wants them to perceive. 

In an attempt 
to call another's bluff 
the cards can be stacked 
against anyone as they're laid 
upon life's table. 

                                                         Characteristic traits

All eyes 
focusing upon 
the unseen
to out maneuver...

You Can Only Get Smarter 
By Playing 
A Smarter Opponent

Freedom and Responsibility
Are Twins
Not Enemies

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