Monday, September 20, 2010

Thoughts Of A Thinker

A few hours ago in my African-American History & Culture class. One of my classmates asked our professor a particular question.  A student stated:  if our cultural roots are from Africa and several Africans practice Polygamy. As an African-American in the U.S.A, I'm a Christian who was taught Polygamy is wrong.

What should I believe/follow?  
The thoughts/beliefs of my ancestors or what I was taught by my Christian parents?

The female who posed the question, was filled with genuine concern.  While our instructor spoke, she scooted back in her seat  looking at the professor in awe; as if she held the answer to a sacred riddle.  While listening to the professor & several other classmates’feedback, I was on the brink of combustion.   I waited for an opportunity to speak, reverting to a similar yet different incident from my 

Summer of 1988 - Bible study

In that day’s lesson our bible study teacher discussed how the earth was formed, Adam & Eve and The Garden of Eden. Being that we were young, students were encouraged to interact with their studies. Focusing our attention to gain understanding.  

What I remember most about that day, is my bible study teacher stating: Adam and Eve helped God name all the animals in Eden. Whenever she held up a picture of an animal she asked the class to make the animals sound. When we saw a cow we all said “mooooooooo”. For a duck we said “quack, quack”, for a snake we said “Sssssssss” so on and so forth.  

After telling us about the animals, she went on and told us the story of Eve & the serpent; causing Adam and Eve to be removed from the Garden of Eden because they disobeyed God. In my 7 year old mind (my age at the time) what we were told  left me confused.

I recalling moving around in my seat, vigorously waving my hand in the air to ask a question.  I asked my bible study teacher: “You just told us that Adam & Eve helped God name all the animals in his Kingdom and they knew the sound each animal made” my teacher responded: correct. So I went on and stated: If Eve helped God name a snake and she knew it made a hissing sound, why did she listen when it spoke to her? Doesn’t she know a snake can’t talk?

I will never forget the look on my bible studies teacher’s face. Not only did she NOT answer my question, she told me I cannot question the word of God, to accept it. As I explained what she told us didn’t make sense  & continued to ask questions, I was kicked out of bible study…..  never to return.

Fast forward, to the present.

The recollection of the incident above caused me to become upset during today’s lecture. It had a smidgen to do with religion, culture or race, and a vast majority to do with THINKING.

As an adult, I know at the age of seven, my thought process caused me to ask my teacher that particular question. I also know my mind was impressionable. If I was answered in a different manner, more than likely I would be a Christian today. Being that I wasn't, I went on to study various religions. I learned to gravitate towards & embrace thought, the ability to question - an exploration to find what coincides within my being.

 When it was finally my turn to speak to my classmate (knowing she was young with an impressionable mind) I emphasized individuality and the importance of her thoughts/thinking process. I stated in order to obtain a feasible answer she cannot readily/blindly accept the ideologies of her parents, the words of a professor, or anyone else for that matter (not even me). 

She owes it to herself to quell her curiosity/concern/misunderstanding(s). 

Hypothetically, one must ponder:  If your parents never passed on their belief of Christianity what religion would you follow/prefer? If you were born in Africa would you participate in Polygamy or disapprove it?

Where do you stand as an individual? 
Remove herself from all that she’s learned/taught through domestication. 

 If you don't want to broach different religious sects, practices & beliefs. Simply ask yourself questions you can already answer, ex: If you’re in a relationship and you cheat or were cheated on. How would you react? 

What feels right/wrong to YOU? 

Trying to learn something in a day by asking a question, is a disservice to yourself. Realistically it can take your entire life span via experiences to understand what one seeks. 

In the process you obtain clarity of life, your perception, emotions, feelings and thoughts. 
Daily, as you become in tune with self and the world around you. 
Therein lies revelation(s).   

It isn't a desire of mine to impose who I am on others. So, I answered her question, by not my answering her question. But by asking her more questions. 
I pushed her to THINK which will lead to a conclusion that is hers and hers alone. 

We inhabit societies where people rather feed you answers to what's already been asked/given to interpretation. Then spark thought in the mind; asking something different. 

Regurgitation from family, teachers, books, friends, t.v,. etc. 
Doesn't show one how to break something down & dissect it.  
It doesn’t show you any depth of understanding. 
It only shows what to accept & what to reject outside of a specific mold. 
Most of the time individuals don’t know why, they simply follow.

They're Sheeple. 

Enclosing I'd like to present a quote & end with a visual clip & artistic expression(s).

"Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blindfolded fear." ~*Thomas Jefferson 


Show Us The Way,
And If You Can’t Show Us The Way
Then Forgive Us For Being Lost.......


Who They Think They Jivin'
By Singing These Songs Full Of Glory
Then Out In The World It's A Different Story
I'm Running Out Of People To Pray For Me
And I'm Not Trying To Act Like I'm A Perfect Man
But If You Speak About It, You Should Be About It
Not Just Preach About It All Day..... 


Deep In My Heart
The Answer It Was In Me
And I've Made Up My Mind
To Define My Own Destiny......

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Lessons Through Others

At times when I’m having difficulty expressing remembrance, I start:

In the middle……

One by one, our guests entered the dining area, to record a segment for the show. We were at a shelter interviewing several occupants, during the process of their intervention. Per our request, they stated their name, age, ethnicity & drug of choice.

As they spoke, the answers we received varied. Some used a particular drug, while other’s graduated from one substance to something stronger.

The commonalities the responses shared, was trying to obtain the orgasmic euphoria of their 1st high; which always seemed to elude them. Or momentarily numbing oneself to reality; leading to higher dosages.

From that day, a specific story touched me deeply. It was the story of a woman, who got strung out on crack cocaine at the age of 45. I remember thinking; she’s a little long in the tooth to be peer pressured. Who in their right mind tries crack of all drugs so late in life?

As her story progressed she told us she was a former Nurse. I automatically turned my nose up saying to myself, if anyone knows the detrimental side effects of drugs, is a healthcare professional. Now look at her: throwing a woe is me pity party, she should have known better! Two minutes into her story, I deemed her all types of stupid & the dumbest Nurse I’ve had the displeasure of meeting.

When she finally explained the 1st time she got high & why….. was breathtaking.

She rehashed the stress of her job & life: double shifts at the hospital, a mother to 3 boys, catering to a husband, and insufficient rest. The haunting way she described her fatigue captivated everyone’s attention. She told us, one night during overtime, she went into a hall closet in hopes to take a much needed nap. Inside the closet she found a fellow co-worker smoking crack.

She described her initial shock and attempt to flee. She said her co-worker pulled her by the arm and said try some, I do it all the time. She stated what she remembers most about that night was her co-worker holding up a crack pipe telling her, “This right here, is what gets me through all these hours.”

Those words intrigued her tiredness, urging her to try. She said before inhaling she rationalized if her co-worker did it, it couldn’t be that bad. She said her co-worker was always energized & carried out their duties without difficulty.To this 45 year old woman, the offering of crack was viewed as a solution. So she breathe it in…..

She went on to describe her first high to us. Instead of energy she obtained a sense of calm that evaporated her many stresses. That calm got her through the night and home to her children & spouse. At home in bed with her husband, she explained her craving and a strong desire to smoke again.

Unlike her co-worker, she was strung out in a matter of months.

Getting high started to affect her performance at work & her hours were reduced. Due to her pay cut she started stealing hospital supplies to purchase crack. Eventually she was caught and terminated. With no income of her own, she started selling items from her house & stealing from family members.

The more detailed her story became; she started rocking back & forth as if in a trance. Telling us:

I lost my job. My husband divorced me & got sole custody of our children. Do you know they won’t allow me to see my boys? My own children. My babies …