Monday, January 24, 2011

Know Your History

If We Do Not Speak 
Of It
Others Will Surely Rewrite The Script 

Continuing with an excerpt from the follow:

"One is astonished in the study of history at the recurrence of the idea that evil must be forgotten, distorted, skimmed over. We must not remember that Daniel Webster got drunk but only that he was a splendid constitutional lawyer. We must forget that George Washington was a slave owner . . . and simply remember the things we regard as creditable and inspiring. The difficulty, of course, with this philosophy is that history loses its value as an incentive and example; it paints perfect man and noble nations, but it does not tell the truth."  ~* W.E.B. Du Bois

"When you deal with the past, you're dealing with history, you're dealing actually with the origin of a thing. When you know the origin, you know the cause. It's impossible for you and me to have a balanced mind in this society without going into the past, because in this particular society, as we function and fit into it right now, we're such an underdog, we're trampled upon, we're looked upon as almost nothing. Now if we don't go into the past and find out how we got this way, we will think that we were always this way. And if you think that you were always in the condition that you're in right now, it's impossible for you to have too much confidence in yourself, you become worthless, almost nothing. But when you go back into the past and find out where you once were, then you will know that you once had attained a higher level, had made great achievements, contributions to society, civilization, science, and so forth. And you know that if you once did it you can do it again; you automatically get the incentive, the inspiration and the energy necessary to duplicate what our forefathers did."  ~*Malcolm X


During my adolescence upon seeing the commercial by McDonald's
Lighting candles to commemorate 
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  
I knew my favorite time of year was approaching. 

During the month of February
We paid homage to 4 of my favorite people.
A woman that refused to leave her seat
A male baseball player
A female conductor on the underground railroad 
And a man who had a dream. 

I vividly remember 
The excitement I felt 
Every Black History Month.

Unlike the individuals I read about all year round
Rosa Parks, Jackie Robinson, Harriet Tubman, and MLK
Filled me with a sense of pride
To be an African-American. 

 I was so overjoyed to learn something different
 It never occurred to me to ask
Why did we spend an entire month
Year in and out...
 Talking about the exact same people?

I didn't recognize 
The information that was withheld  
And the gaps in between what  I was taught
Until my eyes were slightly open
In November of 1992. 

I was eleven years old 
When my mother and father took me to see 
Malcolm X 
Directed by Spike Lee. 

At the time, Malcolm X 
 Was the longest movie I ever saw in my life.
I was enthralled every second
 I sat in the movie theater watching.

At the closing credits
 I was in awe of a man I never knew existed
And how different he was from the four individuals I learned about
Every year.

My curiosity was piqued.....

A few months later 
During the 1st day in school of Black History Month
I anticipated asking my history teach about Malcolm X.

We knew everything there was to know about 
Rosa Parks, Jackie Robinson, Harriet Tubman, and MLK
Surely we could discuss something different, right?

I was told, if Malcolm X was important 
He'd be in our history books.
Being that he isn't, 
Learning about him wasn't up for discussion. 

I was in utter shock 
Unable to reply.
My teachers response 
Silenced me into submission.

3 Years later
My silence was transformed 
Into an invigorating voice 

No one could quell. 

In 1995 at the age of 14
My eyes were opened further
When I went to the movies to see
Directed by Mario Van Peebbles. 

Like Malcolm X
I didn't know Huey P. Newton 
And the Black Panther Party existed. 

This unknown 
Made sense out of everything I was previously taught

It pieced together:
Why Rosa Parks refused to leave her seat
Why Jackie Robinson was commended
Why Harriet Tubman Freed slaves
And the reason behind Martin Luther King's dream.

Although it wasn't Black History Month
I couldn't wait until I went to school the following Monday
 So I could ask my History teacher about The Black Panther Party. 

I assumed 
Because I was no longer in elementary school
My Junior high school teacher would answer my inquiry, right?

I received the same response. 
This time around I refused to remain silent.
I responded in an authoritative manner
Demanding to be taught about those who weren't written in our schools history books. 
Not just during Black History Month, but all year long. 

That day was the 1st time I was suspended from school
For 'challenging' an educator.
It definitely wasn't the last, 
for years to come. 

I was determined to

"Philosophers have long conceded... that every man has two educations: that which is given to him, and the other that which he gives himself. Of the two kinds the latter is by far the more desirable. Indeed all that is most worthy in man he must work out and conquer for himself. It is that which constitutes our real and best nourishment. What we are merely taught seldom nourishes the mind like that which we teach ourselves." 

What formal education refused to provide
I spent countless hours cultivating my mind 
At various libraries, teaching myself.
Slowly opening my visions circumference. 

In February of 2001 at the age of 20
I was bestowed with good fortune to have met
And had an in depth discussion with 
S.E. Anderson, the author of:

Conversing with S.E. Anderson 
Coupled with the content I absorbed from his book
My eyes were opened 

A week later
In the course of my internship
At Teen Talk Radio.

I was given the opportunity 
To read the following poem during Black History Month
Live on the air:

Unspoken Truth 

"Free at last, Free at last,
Thank God almighty
We are free at last"

Martin Luther King, had a dream
The speech he delivered, Gave inspiration and gleam
But to know one’s history, What would those lines
Really mean:

We’ll we ever be free
Because if we were, In this land ,We wouldn’t be
Crossed over by sea, In chains
Beaten and tormented, stripped to shame
Taken to plains and fields
Wondering where we came from
Ever exist - No longer real
Watching our people, Get slaughtered and killed
Was our pain
How you stripped us of our name
Culture and dignity
You made us into slaves, The lowest of living things
Inherent pangs
Giving birth to their children, Still being enslaved
At the tender age of three
As long as they could walk, That’s all massa could see
For to them we went nothing
We were less then human beings

Through the Atlantic Slave Trade, Millions of my people died
For hundreds of years, It is only my people who have cried
Who tears have dried, Nothing of them remains
But pictures, scars, nooses, and chains
By bringing them here, What have they gained
As I ask those who brought us here
Have no shame, Only greed
Twisting history so to others
It is misconceived

We must look upon the past, To know what was done
To us throughout history, cannot be overcome
What gives us hope, Inspiration and gleam
Should be more then just a dream
But to see:

Living upon a land
One doesn’t come from
We’ll never
Be free

© LaToya S. C.
Author's Comments



The poem above was written 10 years ago
Until this day
I continuously nourish my mind
Striving to insight the appetite of inquiry
In the minds others.

Never losing sight of:

"The events which transpired five thousand years ago; Five years ago or five minutes ago, have determined what will happen five minutes from now; five years from now or five thousands years from now. All history is a current event" ~*Dr. John Henrik Clarke 

They Are Us.
They Are Me;
They Are You.

Know Your History.....

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Inquiring Mind

During a point in our life
Many of us have been told:

"Believe None Of What You Hear 
And Half Of What You See." 

Yet and still
 Undivided precedence is given
To misconceptions
As ears readily accept smidgens of truth.
Lost in telepathy
Of sordid projections.

For many
Reality is interjected
via formal 'education', impersonal communication
Mass media, social networks
And a plethora of uncontrollable hosts.

Daily, ingesting

At Exactly What Point 
Do You Start To Realize That
Life Without Knowledge, Is Death In Disguise.....

Apply it to your life, let destiny manifest.....


During my adolescence
I fell in love with the quote:

The Absence of Knowledge
Creates The Image Of Perfection 

To me the words above are vast in meaning,
But if I had to sum it up
I would say:

 The beginning of many things
Or encounters
 Is an unknown.

At times
Is a form of perfection.


One delves beneath omnipresence
Peeling away layers upon layers
Obtaining insight

Obliviousness is no longer obscure
What blind acceptance
And unquestioning

Think, Dissect, Reflect.

For me
Constant inquiry 
Is the foundation of existence. 

Is a reflection 
Of internal demise. 

In many instances
To come across something
 That doesn't make sense: 

"We Learn More By Looking For The Answer To A Question
And Not Finding It
Than We Do From Learning The Answer Itself."

As information is gathered
Thought processes
Consistently prevail.....

Through the prevalence of movement
From adolescence 
To adulthood. 

My ways of being
 Has be subjected 
To ridicule

To name a few
 Other's have often
 Labeled me as:

"Trying to kick knowledge" 
"Believing I'm smart" or a

In middle childhood 
Said mockery 
Was offensive

As a woman 
I recognize the transparency
Of a naysayers trepidation....

Who honestly 
Takes pride
 In what they don't know?

Is one supposed to be ashamed 
Of what they've learned
And their curiosities

Be a reflection of ignorance
To make others comfortable?

Only those who are inept by their inadequacies
Disguised as judgement 
Can answer

I strive to dwell amongst those who are receptive
To learning and questioning
As I open myself up to be taught. 


Through various realms
 I've come to appreciate
And gained an understanding that:

"The Wisdom Of The Wise
 And The Experience Of The Ages 
May Be Preserved By 


As my

In avoidance
Of the swarm
I know:

Life is about
Evolving and growing
Constant Growth.....

Until my last breath

Monday, January 10, 2011

Cinderella Complex

I marvel at the contradiction
Of  a female who'll boast of her
Yet, disgruntled
She hasn't found a man in which she is

Hiding behind
The guise of strength
Torn between emotions
Forlorn previous relationships
Believing it's besieged their:

Sending off


Despite their 'accomplishments'
The desire to be taken care of
 Triumphs all


"Show me a socially empowered woman; and I'll show you a threat, because she chooses to control her own passions" ~*Gary Null 91.5fm

While listening to Gary Null’s show; towards the end of the program, Gary Null briefly mentioned the "Cinderella Complex". As I Chuckled nodding my head in agreement, the first word that popped into my mind was opportunist.

Opportunist- A) One who takes advantage of any opportunity to achieve an end, often with no regard for principles or consequences. B) A person who takes advantage of any circumstance which will help him personally.

Due to the "Cinderella Complex"

Cinderella Complex

"The Cinderella Complex was first described by Colette Dowling, who wrote a book on women’s fear of independence as an unconscious desire to be taken care of by others, based primarily on a fear of being independent."

"The complex is named after the fairy tale character Cinderella, popularized by the Disney movie of the same name. It is based on the idea of women that the story portrays, as being beautiful, graceful and polite but who cannot be independent characters themselves, and who must be rescued by an outside force, usually a man (e.g. the prince)."

Most women will forever be the pawn of an opportunist, as they are driven strictly by emotions.

Emotion- A mental state that arises spontaneously rather than through conscious effort and is often accompanies by physiological changes.

Emotions cloud reason (Logic). As the definition sited above "it is a state outside conscious effort".

Due to lack of logic (simplistic comprehension) women (more so than men) like to play tit for tat, aka "checkers". While others, have a strategy/reason for what they do "Chess".

After speaking with a particular female who severely suffers from the "Cinderella Complex". As a "woman" she only saw the negative attributes in what's previously written. A perspective outside the threshold of her conciousness, due to her rose tinted, perception of life. Another’s lack of understanding will never stop me from voicing my thoughts. Although I know, you can’t always shine a light, giving insight to those who are unwilling to accept a brightness that is often blinding, in its honesty...... certain things NEED to be said.

Everyone in life is an opportunist, EVERYONE (More than others, are conniving). Just as EVERYONE has been a pawn (another person’s victim to achieve personal gain). We all play a different role (chessman) in other people’s strategy.

There are 6 Pieces in chess

Pawn- Except on its first move, a pawn may only move one square forward at a time. Pawns can never move backwards.

Knight- Moves in an L shape in any direction. The Knight is the only piece whose journey is not impeded by other pieces on the board. If its destination square is vacant, it may jump over pieces in its way.

Bishop- Moves diagonally any number of squares, forwards or backwards as long as its path is not blocked by other pieces.

Rook (Castle)- Moves horizontally and vertically any number of squares, forwards or backwards.

Queen- Is the most powerful piece on the board. This is because it can control more squares than any other chessman. It moves straight forward, backwards or diagonally any number of squares as long as its path is not blocked by other pieces.

King- Is the most important piece on the chessboard. It can never be captured and if it’s in danger it must be made safe immediately. If it is not possible to make the king safe then the game is lost.

"The King" ~*"Always protect your investment"

"The Bishop, The Rook" ~* "The formula of the con is quite simple – you seduce people by their own greed.

"The Knight" ~* The trick is to know when you’re the latter, so you can become the former."

"The Pawn"~* In every game and con there is always an opponent and there is always a victim, the more control the victim thinks he has, the less control he actually has."

"The Queen" ~* If you change the rules on what controls you,you will change the rules on what you can control."

"Strategy" ~* Inside an environment one can control. The bigger the environment, the easier the control ... so the opponent simply distracts their victim by getting them consumed with their own consumption."

The game of chess is presented as a vantage point, to recognize different strategies. Giving one a glimpse of the maneuvers and tactics used, to achieve a desired end. As I’ve stated earlier we all play a different role in other peoples "game/life".

At work you might be the Pawn.
In a relationship, the Bishop/Rook.
To friends and family, the Knight.
When it comes to your perception, actions and reactions you must be the Queen.
As your quality and way of life is always King.

When it pertains to yourself you should always be the "Queen". One must memorize how each piece operates. As it is essential, that you understand and P.Y.P. "Play Your Position" (accordingly).

Empower yourself, and recognize your worth. It is your own way of thinking that victimizes you into constantly playing the role of a disillusioned pawn. Due to your need to be magically rescued, taken care of and pampered by someone other than yourself. Singles you out as; an easy target.

And PLEASEEEEE!!! read something other than a ghetto novel with a "happily ever after ending". Nothing in life is instantaneously achieved without effort. Life isn’t a fairy tale. You aren’t going to meet the perfect man that’s going to fall in love with you at first glance, fly you off to the Bahamas’, and move you out the "hood". Lavish you with diamonds, furs, clothes, and cars. Leaving everyone around you (preferably other women) jealous because they aren’t you…..

Aren’t you tired of the same preconceived, recurring DREAM????

Until you give up this self perpetuated "Cinderella Complex"  the stench of neediness will seep through your pores. You’ll continuously be surpassed by everyone around you. As you chose to elect being "envied" and "taken care of" as your strategy.

For your own sake understand how "Life imitates chess"……….

On that note I will end, how I started:

"Show me a socially empowered woman; and I’ll show you a threat, because she chooses to control her own passions"

And why is this woman a threat?
Because in life; people want to be able to control the outcome of your actions….