Monday, May 30, 2011


I'm trying 
To decide
Which way to go

 I think I made a wrong turn back there somewhere..... 


Along the odyssey of life
Certain individuals
Feel the need to be understood

As they yearn for understanding

Voicing their concerns to another - as they vent
Will lead them towards a forgotten direction

Turning to a relative
 Stranger, significant other
Or close friend

For advisement - terms of guidance

Starting their story at the beginning
In a state of


What would you do if you were me?
Am I doing the right thing?
What should I believe?

Will I regret 
 Following what I can't see
But in my heart, I already know

There is no easy answer
So more than one person is asked
In an attempt to make sense out of aspects

That'll never be in their hands to control....

The following poem exemplifies
The susceptibility 
of spoken words


Better Left Unsaid
Written: October 13, 2003

How can one 
Utter words
Which in reality has no meaning

How can one 
Hold back
For silence, is misleading

Caught between a deaf ear & raging screaming.....

Silenced the pleading
The second it was told

No longer
A mystery
As you shattered the unknown

In spoken words
Emerged in multi tones

No depth
In understanding
As you planned it

For now 
You are bare
Stripped down to nakedness

In your thought(s)
You needed
To share

To stares
Vulnerable to care

What was hoped 
To accomplish
Was remotely demolished

An unplanned lesson was learned:

The words you speak entrap you
To the ears in which
They're heard.

© LaToya S. C.