Sunday, November 11, 2018

Unsolved Equilibrium

Once: is a mistake
                               Twice: a habit 
                                                       Three times: a pattern...

In an effort to explain 
the intricacies of life to my son, 
I gave an example of repeated occurrences. 

Said occurrences involve different individuals, yet followed the same pattern. 

I’m not an illustrator, 
but knew in order to convey my sentiments 
I had to speak in a language as an adolescent  he’d understand. 

Therefore, I drew 3 set of circles

three times. 

The 1st set, everyone was neutral  πŸ˜ΆπŸ˜ΆπŸ˜Ά

The 2nd set,  two are harmonious which filled the other with disdain πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜‘

The 3rd set, two where filled with discord making the other gleeful πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜€

Stating: If you're not mindful, 
due to the company you keep or a singular person in your circumference, 
neutrality has the propensity to manifest into emotional poison. 

Where two (or more) individuals are at odds unnecessarily, for the simple fact it brings another joy. Those who implement adversity towards the unsuspecting - reverberates vitality and sustains their existence.

Again, I am not an illustrator & can be long winded
so after I finished speaking I asked my 1st born 
to draw me a picture of what I just said & he produced the following picture & words.

Two things 
Need to oppose each other
In order to stay


The boy is yelling & angry 
because he's usually under pressure.  Nor does he like to be confronted.

The mask at the top is using their experience to control him and tell him what to do. 
Using negative emotions for manipulation.

 The woman is screaming due to stress and sadness. 
She is being controlled by her anger. 

She see’s her son being controlled by the mask
 but the son doesn’t know it. 

The figure hovering above is anonymous 
It equates Anger and sadness meshed together. 

The masked figure is feeling what they’re both feeling, but doesn’t know how to show it. 

The figurine is miserable because they are feeling so many things at once; in not knowing how to deal with their emotions they make everyone else’s life miserable. 

The mask appears to be laughing at them both
 but if you look closely
 you can see that it is crying... 

Unsolved Equilibrium. 

Let me pray to keep you from
the perils that will surely come
see life for you my prince has just begun.

I thank you 
for choosing me
to come through unto life to be....

in an attempt to teach
the roles were reversed and I was reverted into a student. 

isn't wasted on the young 

they understand far better than most give them credit for.

© LaToyAugust

1 comment:

  1. Two sides of the same coin, in artistry.May this be the 1st of many collaborative efforts (((HUGS)))
