Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Naturalistic Observation - 21 Days To Make Or Break A Habit

Sifting through the 
Written: May 23, 2017

If you attended Lafayette High 
in the late 90’s & remember me rocking 
different color rattail combs in my peacock 
to match my attire. 

 Or looked at me sideways, 
as if I was 3 types of crazy because my ponytail 
was more than enough. 

 Unbeknownst to everyone 
except myself,
 I was conducting my 1st social experiment

Naturalistic Observation

My recollection 
isn’t linear on what
occurred 1st. 

A librarian at Ulmer Park Branch
Brooklyn Public Library
answering one of my inquires 
suggesting I read Julius Fast

Which was the beginning 
 of my infatuation 
with the concept of Body Language. 

 Around the same time 
I remember being fascinated when I overheard someone state:
It takes _____ days to formulate a habit. 

 Whatever the Genesis
the end result revolved
 around my motto: 

 “Assume nothing, question everything” 

and see for myself
 if what was written/read
held any form of validity.

I remember being in the bathroom 
while the water was running 
(the sound of liquid helps me think). 

 I contemplated - what can I do & see if anyone will copy? 
And I only have _____ days to do it. 

 The sound of my mother banging on the door 
snapped me out of my thoughts as she said: Hurry the fcuk up! 

How many times do I have to tell you stop
 putting water and gel in your mother fcuking hair!

 I turned off the water & EUREKAAAAAAAA I had it!

I chose hair as the focal point of my experiment. 
For the first week, 
I accentuated a black rattail comb in my hair everyday. 

 If anyone noticed, they didn’t say anything nor mention it. 
 The following week(s), I switched up & matched the comb in my hair 
with my outfit. 

 One day it was red, the next it was white… 
more times than not it was blue 
because that’s my favorite color.

10+ days in, is when individuals started to ask: 
why do you have that comb in your hair? 

I’d either look at them and not answer or simply say: 

because I can. 

 Before the 21st day, females were wearing rattail combs in their hair too and didn’t know why... 

 You already KNOW I went on an experimentation spree 😁
 I learned to incorporate different methods/manners 
& like clockwork people followed.

I did what you just read when I was 17-18 yrs old. 
Fast forward to 2017 and the individual who thinks I’m evil 
& has a personal vendetta against Robert Greene 😒 

Bruh's & Bruhette’s - 
Julius Fast is the original culprit, 
which attracted me to Mr. Greene. 

I am not a follower
of any

In the age of the internet & instant gratification, 
it no longer takes days to conduct an experiment. 

Results can be rendered within minutes to the hour! 

 At a slow pace it can take a couple of days… 

For example: YouTube tutorials 
has a knack for selling people in the natural hair community dreams, 
turning them into product junkies. 


Because they purchase products that will never work 
on their hair type all because they saw something they liked 
and had to have/copy it. 

 OR hashtag challenges which both genders engage in. 

I wrote alllll this to say
We’re all guilty of blindly following something
at one point in our life.

 Some are more cognizant than others. 

© LaToya S. C. 

~*The Perks Of Being A Wallflower*~ 

Sometimes you have to dig in the crates
to let folk know how long
You've been crazy & deranged!

There's a method to the madness 😁


Told Ya'll
My Borough's


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