Wednesday, April 1, 2020

The Power Of Moments 🧬

I don't know whether to categorize what I just experienced as "the power of moments"... synchronicity, manifestation or speaking something into existence.

My entire body has been in extreme discomfort
awaiting my menstrual cycle
to begin.

I calculated/counted how many days
it was running behind schedule
& googled what I was experiencing

I laughed to myself and labeled google a hypochondriac
because attempting to 'research' what one feels will have you believing
or rather entertaining the worst case scenario

I swear fo GAWD
within 10-15 minutes, as I was sweeping the living room floor
I noticed the blind for the balcony door was haphazard
so I reached up behind the curtains to take it down and fix it

As I rolled the blind neatly back into place
and reached upwards to put it back in place
I felt a warmth leave out of my body and froze.

An inward sensation of noooo way!

I knew my menstrual cycle had literally just begun
but went to the bathroom to double check
if my eyes saw what I felt with my body.

Interestingly, what I googled moments earlier
presented itself in real space & time
eliminating any suggestions of
something being "wrong".

I had to capture this moment via writing
to have a documented recollection of today
so when the future me goes back to read it
there is a point of reference signifying:

🎶.. Everything Will Manifest Because I Wrote It... 🎶

Whether it is with a pen & pad
or an electronic device
words have the power to take form

at that!

The average monthly cycle is between 21 to 35 days, 

where the average lunar month is 29.53 days.

 Your monthly cycle naturally ebbs and flows in an episodic nature. 

As you grow spiritually, your cycle only further syncs itself to become more connected 
to the earth’s cycle. 

 Your cycle may match itself and align with a cycle of the moon, 

and as this does, it can heighten 
your intuition on peak days. 

 Through your observations, 

you may find your intuitive abilities changing 
depending on when you ovulate or menstruate. 

When your cycle is in alignment with the moon, there are two types of moon-synced cycles. 

 Both serve different purposes 

for the different seasons of a woman’s life and enhance intuition. 

 The Red Moon Cycle 

is typically associated with women who are 
more using their feminine energy in a creator fashion.  

 Usually, you'll sync this way if you are focusing on working with your gifts

 to create magic, art, or to build your career, 
birthing something like a project.  

 The White Moon Cycle 

is typically associated with women in their childbearing years; women who are having or wanting to have children, or women already have children. 

 As you might imagine, 

the cycle your body aligns with either the Red or the White Cycle 
will change throughout your lifetime as you move through various phases. 

 Think of it like a pendulum swinging back and forth.  

 There are times 

and seasons for each type of cycle 

 If you notice your cycle changing length to match one of these patterns, 

it’s good news - it’s a sign that even your body is becoming 
more intuitive.


P.ositive E.nergy A.ctivates C.onstant E.levation 

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